Castleford Tigers new stadium decision delayed until 2015

New Castleford Tigers stadium plans.New Castleford Tigers stadium plans.
New Castleford Tigers stadium plans.
A decision on whether to grant planning permission for the Five Towns Park will not be made until next year, council bosses have confirmed.

The outline planning application for the Glass Houghton development - which would include a new stadium for Castleford Tigers - was expected to be discussed at a meeting by the end of the year.

But Wakefield Council chiefs say it will now be discussed – alongside four other applications for new supermarkets in the area – in the new year.

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A spokeswoman said: “There’s still a lot to assess on such a major application and we will get it to a planning meeting as soon as possible.

“We had hoped to get it done by the end of the year but as it is such a big application there is a lot of work to assess.”

Council bosses deferred four applications for new supermarkets in Glass Houghton in October over fears they could adversely affect Castleford town centre.

Plans by supermarket giant Sainsbury’s to turn the B&Q store on Aspen Way into a food store, Aldi’s application for a new supermarket off Park Road and proposals for a new mezzanine floor at the Asda store on Leeds Road are expected to be discussed by members of the council’s planning and highways committee at the same time as the Five Towns Park.

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Coun Denise Jeffery, the council’s deputy leader responsible for economic growth, said: “Everyone is waiting to know what is happening with the redevelopment at Glass Houghton. I understand that we need to move forward as quickly as possible and I hope we will see progress very soon in the new year.”

A planning application for the £135m Five Towns Park development was submitted to Wakefield Council in July.

The plans include a the stadium, a new food store, petrol station, high-quality shops and a country park on land just off the M62 at junction 32.

The stadium would be a 10,000-seater facility for the use of Castleford Tigers and the community. Developers Lateral Property Group say the scheme will create up to 2,000 jobs.