Domestic violence advisors brought in to support police

A domestic violence charity is now supporting police across the district.

Professional advisors are now attending domestic abuse incidents with police on Fridays and Saturdays.

In a report to a full Wakefield Council meeting last Wednesday, Coun Maureen Cummings, cabinet member for environment and communities said: “For several years we have been pressing to have professionals in police cars that attend incidents of domestic abuse or violence.

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“Recently, the police received funding, so we were able to work with them to arrange for an IDVA [Independent Domestic Violence Advisor] to attend domestic abuse incidents on Fridays and Saturday.”

The scheme is being run with Staying Put, a domestic violence and abuse charity working across Yorkshire and Humber to support men, women and children who are victims of abuse.

The project began at the start of March and the car will be running between 6pm and midnight.

The advisors are able to refer people to the Wakefield District Domestic Abuse Service.

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Coun Cummings’ report said: “The IDVA will be present to support victims whilst the police deal with the perpetrator.

“It is hoped that by putting the victim at the centre of the service, this will encourage the victim to seek help.”

The report said the Community Safety Partnership would monitor the scehem and it is hoped it will reduce the number of repeat domestic abuse incidents.