High speed police chase through Castleford

A drink driver was arrested after he took police on a high speed chase through Castleford that ended when he parked outside his own home.

Marquis Turner, 37, told police he was scared and just wanted to get home after he was detained over the pursuit through the town’s streets.

Leeds Crown Court heard Turner had been asked by his uncle to clean a Renault Clio for him and put it up for sale.

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Turner instead took the vehicle for a drive after he had been drinking and taking drugs despite not having a driving licence.

Jonathan Sharp, prosecuting, said Turner was spotted driving the car in the early hours of May 12 this year and indicated for him to pull over as the rear lights were defective.

Turner ignored officers and drove into a side street in a housing estate. The court was shown a recording of the incident in which the police car attempted to block Turner’s path so he could not get out of the street.

Turner then mounted the pavement and sped off at speed.

Police continued to follow the Clio and at one point managed to drive alongside Turner.

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One officer shouted at him to stop but he continued to drive.

He made contact with the police car, causing minor damage.

Turner carried on driving through built-up areas, reaching speeds of 58mph in a 20mph speed limit area.

The footage showed the Clio pulled out of junctions at speed without slowing.

Mr Sharp said: “He suddenly came to a halt outside his address. The defendant jumps out of the vehicle and a violent struggle ensues.”

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The prosecutor said police officers believed Turner had been drinking. He was taken to a police station where he admitted to officers that he had taken mkat and cocaine.

He refused to provide a specimen of breath for analysis.

Michael Jowett, prosecuting, said Turner did not know why he took the decision to get into the car.

He said his client was scared and wanted to get home to see his wife.

Mr Jowett said Turner suffered a head injury last year and is continuing to receive treatment for it. Turner, of Fryston Road, Airedale, Castleford, pleaded guilty to aggravated vehicle taking, failing to provide a breath specimen, having no insurance and having no licence.

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Recorder Mark McKone said the case was unusual as Turner’s intention was to get home rather that simply outrun police.

Turner was given an eight-month prison sentence, suspended for two years, and was disqualified from driving for three years.

Recorder McKone said: “If you had run somebody over you would be going to prison for many years and that is the risk you took.”

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