Let's '˜kickstart' for print studio

PRINTMAKERS: From left are Wil Law, Mary Duggan, Laura Slater and Ali Appleby. Picture: AxiswebPRINTMAKERS: From left are Wil Law, Mary Duggan, Laura Slater and Ali Appleby. Picture: Axisweb
PRINTMAKERS: From left are Wil Law, Mary Duggan, Laura Slater and Ali Appleby. Picture: Axisweb
A campaign to raise £3,000 to develop a print studio in Wakefield will launch next week.

The month-long ‘People Make Print’ Kickstarter campaign will begin on the The Art Walk on Wednesday.

The Art House initiative aims to raise funds to boost its print studio facility and to create a series of micro print residencies for artists and young people.

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The organisation has welcomed over 30 artists and creative businesses to their expanded studio complex at Drury Lane since last year but now it wants to spread its support network even further.

Print studio manager Laura Slater said: “The print studio has been developing and supporting artists since The Art House first opened its doors in 2008. Today it is home to one of our strongest communities within the organisation. As our printmakers develop their practice we aim to ensure our facilities match the quality and vision of what they produce. We are raising funds to acquire a vacuum screen printing bed which will support printmakers to work in a much more efficient and professional way.”

Funding will also cover the costs of a residency programme. The one to two-week residencies will offer unlimited access to the print studio for artists, who will mentor young people through a partnership with Wakefield based social enterprise WE ARE. The residencies will also generate editioned prints using the new screen printing vacuum bed.

Aidan Moesby, artist and Art House residency alumni, said: “Access to the print studio has allowed me to develop my practice, experimenting with new techniques and providing the space to be able to work on a bigger scale. The ability to stay in one of The Art House flats as part of my residency has meant I can have a concentrated period of time just to print - without the need to stop - start.’ 

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The Art House will be celebrating the launch of ‘People Make Print’ as part of the Wakefield Artwalk on July 27 from 5pm to 9pm. Visitors will have the opportunity to print and take away a tote bag. They can also see a variety of printing techniques in action and see what goes on behind the scenes at The Art House.

An exhibition of work by Fiona Grady,called Rendered Invisible, will also be on display. She is The Arthouse’s July Artist in Residence,

See www.the-arthouse.org.uk for more information about the campaign.

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