Old School Yard: Looking back to the classroom with your old school photos

Flanshaw St Michaels School. Dustbin lorry visits the school. 
Taken 1996.  Copyright Yorkshire Weekly Newspaper.Flanshaw St Michaels School. Dustbin lorry visits the school. 
Taken 1996.  Copyright Yorkshire Weekly Newspaper.
Flanshaw St Michaels School. Dustbin lorry visits the school. Taken 1996. Copyright Yorkshire Weekly Newspaper.
We’re helping to share readers’ old school photos in our weekly slot, The Old Schoolyard. Here are six photos from the 70's to 90's.

Take a look through pictures from 1979/96. Watch out for more photos next week. Photographs provided by Wakefield Library. If you would like to share your photos, send them to editorial@ wakefieldexpress.co.uk.