Pleas to keep Ferrybridge Power Station open

Ferrybridge Power Station has been earmarked for closure by the end of the month.Ferrybridge Power Station has been earmarked for closure by the end of the month.
Ferrybridge Power Station has been earmarked for closure by the end of the month.
Energy bosses have been urged to reconsider plans to close Ferrybridge Power Station by the end of the month.

SSE announced it will shut the coal-fired station because the site was deemed to be “no longer economical”.

Knottingley councillor Graham Stokes said around 120 people work at the plant.

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And he expects around 60 employees take voluntary redundancy, while the others carry out decommissioning work over the next 12 months.

Pontefract, Castleford and Normanton MP Yvette Cooper said has written a letter to energy minister Andrea Leadson and SSE chief executive Alistair Phillips-Davies asking them to reconsider a worker-led plan to keep the site running for at least another year.

She said: “It is clear that there is still enough coal on site at Ferrybridge to maintain production at the current levels for at least another year – possibly more.

“I understand SSE rejected a plan for the station to use up this coal but I want them to revisit this plan and keep the station open as long as possible.”

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Ms Cooper has been fighting to save the station from closure alongside workers at the plant and trade unions.

She said concerns had been raised that the energy gap created by the loss of coal-fired power stations in Yorkshire and Scotland is being filled by the use of diesel generators, which are more expensive to run and harmful to the environment.

Ms Cooper added: “I am deeply concerned by reports that the UK could be facing an energy gap over the next few years with demand for electricity likely to outstrip supply. There have been such warnings since the closure plan was announced.

“I have been told that more polluting diesel generators could be used to meet demand if there is a shortfall.”