Councillor demands answers over 'deteriorating' Kellingley Sports Pavilion as facility needs urgent roof repairs

Rachel Speak, Lib Dem councillor for KnottingleyRachel Speak, Lib Dem councillor for Knottingley
Rachel Speak, Lib Dem councillor for Knottingley
The future of a much-used sports pavilion is under threat due to delays in making a decision to secure its future, a councillor claims.

Rachel Speak has called for answers from senior councillors over the deteriorating condition of Kellingley Sports Pavilion.

The Lib Dem councillor says the facility, which is a base for adult and youth sports teams, needs urgent roof repairs.

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The pavilion and nearby Kellingley Social Club have been earmarked for a controversial £10m revamp.

The project was put on hold in May this year after critics described the scheme as “a waste of money”.

Coun Speak has tabled a question to Coun Les Shaw, cabinet member for resources and property, ahead of a full council meeting today (Wednesday).

The question states: “We understand that funds were allocated for the refurbishment of the Kellingley Club Pavilion in 2018, but these plans were put on hold whilst a decision was made on what would be happening with the main site.

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“The condition of the pavilion has deteriorated badly since then and the roof is now in desperate need of repairs.”

Coun Speak says the cost of repair work is £10,962.

She adds: “It is unfair to expect the club to fund these repairs when refurbishment was promised a number of years ago.

“The pavilion is regularly used by the football club and youth teams and is a vital part of the community.

“It is fast approaching the point where it will become unusable.

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Wakefield Council has failed the residents of Knottingley for a number of years, and just given excuse after excuse to justify delay after delay.

“Will the council commit to carrying out urgent repairs to the pavilion to ensure it can continue to be used by the football club whilst a decision is made on the future of the main site?”

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In February, the Labour-run council’s approved major investment to turn the building into a community hub.

It was intended that new facility would play host to sports, youth clubs and community groups, with a job centre and Citizens Advice Bureau also based there.

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Knottingley’s three Lib Dem councillors described the project as “a waste of public money” as many of the services are already available in the area.

The local authority then confirmed it would “take another look” at the proposals.

Criticising the decision at the time, Knottingley councillor Adele Hayes said: “Labour’s plans at the Kellingley Club will cost the equivalent of £2,630 to every household in Knottingley and Ferrybridge.

“This is outrageous. Residents should be asking for a refund.”