Hemsworth candidates have their say

Shopping article. Hemsworth town centre.
h315a405Shopping article. Hemsworth town centre.
Shopping article. Hemsworth town centre. h315a405
The Hemsworth general election candidates

David Dews - UKIP:

“My aim in entering politics was to help to regain the independence of our country. The referendum was won and Mrs May is saying the right things, but the Conservatives have gone back on promises before. The Brexit process must not be allowed to drag on for years, and our territorial waters must not be given away again as a bargaining chip. Instead our fishing industry can thrive again and fish stocks be allowed to recover. My other priorities are to scrap the HS2 white elephant, stop arrangements whereby companies can avoid paying tax in the UK, and end the PFI contracts which have caused so many problems for the NHS. I have worked in several developing countries which all have simple and effective, visa, border and employment/residence controls. That is apparently too difficult for UK governments to implement, but needs to change. We need to stop uncontrolled economic migration to help our own young people find work, encourage apprenticeships and end tuition fees for students taking subjects that are needed to fill gaps in essential medical, industrial and engineering fields.”

Mike Jordan - Conservative:

“Not another election! You may think it makes no difference how you vote, but this one’s different. This time there’s a stark choice between two alternative visions.

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You can opt for an exciting future where we go out into the wide world to engage with new friends and old partners, with a strong leader who will stand up for the freedom to live your life how you want it. Where laws, finance, border security, immigration policy are decided by ourselves without being dictated to by others. Where patriotism and love of your country are not regarded as shameful.

Or, you could opt to be governed by a man who calls the IRA, Hamas, and other terrorist leaders his friends. One who believes we’re incapable of governing ourselves so refuses to confirm we will be allowed to leave the EU. Who promises the world but has no idea at all how to pay for it. One who 80% of his own MPs believe is not fit to be Prime Minister. Can you really risk that?

This is probably the most important election you’ll ever take part in. Don’t hand Mr Corbyn the keys to Number 10 by default, Vote Conservative, vote for me, Mike Jordan.”

Mary Macqueen - Lib Dem:

“These are the issues which are important to me: NHS and social care including mental health – Proper funding and better organisation. It is essential we have both the hospital services and local care working together to provide a proactive and efficient service.

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Education - Conservative funding changes will mean loss of local teaching posts and subjects. The Liberal Democrats promise Improved Funding and continued provision of the free school meals, introduced by us when we were in government. Our children deserve excellent education.

Europe - We are leaving the EU but this shouldn’t mean leaving the single market which is important for local firms and businesses – and thus local jobs, We also want to give the people a vote on the final divorce settlement Transport We need to improve public transport especially so that people can travel to work. This is why we will introduce a young person’s Bus pass and whilst we support rail travel we will ensure that HS2 doesn’t have a negative impact on our area.

Green Energy - A coal mining area in the past, investments in green energy will enable the transfer of skills gained from mining to be used in the new green industries thus improving employment opportunities.”

Martin Roberts - Yorkshire Party:

“As the Yorkshire Party candidate for the Hemsworth constituency, I’ll be campaigning on issues including devolution to Yorkshire as a whole. This would be along the same lines of the Scottish Parliament and you could summarise this to be “Home Rule for Yorkshire within the UK” - not an independent Yorkshire.

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Social Care is of massive importance because I believe this sector will run into further crisis. I would like to reform this sector to improve care and services for all people, to protect and improve conditions for front-line staff, and create more infrastructure in order to deal with the growing need for social care services.

I would be working to protect our green spaces and not see urban sprawl spread further. I would like to maintain communities’ individualities as part of this and I want to see further powers devolved to them too.

I’d like to see more investment and infrastructure to Yorkshire and our constituency in particular so we have a better balance of our UK economy which isn’t as London-centric. This would include voicing concerns regarding the HS2 project of which I am sceptical.”

Jon Trickett - Labour:

“I’ve been proud to represent our part of Yorkshire this past 21 years. I am Yorkshire through and through. Fighting for this area is my lifeblood. I will always stand up for our area first.

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I have never hesitated to accept the people’s decision to vote for Brexit. I voted for article 50. The central question remains that we need a Brexit which works for working people and Yorkshire, as well as the country as a whole.

I have been working with local community groups and others campaigning against the dreadful HS2 route through our area. If re-elected this will continue to be one of my top priorities.

People here have seen first-hand the cuts to our NHS. I’ve spoken with people who were left on trolleys for hours, had to travel out of the area for care or to nurses falling into poverty because of their pay freeze, while the costs of living rise. It’s clear the only way forward is to provide the NHS with adequate funds.

We must stop the Tory attacks on older people. Their cruel dementia tax punishes those who need care when they’re older. They’ve also said they’d reduce the rises in pensions, scrap the winter fuel allowance, and have ruined many women’s retirement plans by immediately forcing them to work another 6 years. I will continue to campaign against these injustices.

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We’ll also scrap tuition fees, stop rail and energy rip-offs by bringing them back into public ownership, end hospital parking charges and build one million new homes. Vote Labour for a country that works for the many, not the few.”