Jon Trickett MP pays tribute to Queen Elizabeth II

The Union flag is lowered at the Houses of Parliament following the death of Queen Elizabeth II (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)The Union flag is lowered at the Houses of Parliament following the death of Queen Elizabeth II (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
The Union flag is lowered at the Houses of Parliament following the death of Queen Elizabeth II (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
I am certain I speak for tens of thousands of my constituents when I express sadness at the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth.

Jon Trickett MP writes: The Queen dedicated her life to public service – right until the end. Only a few days prior to her death, in spite of ill health, she fulfilled her vital constitutional responsibility to appoint a new prime minister.

At a time when almost everything is changing – and not always for the better – there are some things we should hold on to. These are: a sense of duty; the idea that we ought to help others and not only ourselves; loyalty; and service.

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These quintessential values were embodied by The Queen’s conduct.

For 70 years she sat on the throne – the longest reigning monarch in our nation’s history.

Throughout this period our country has experienced great changes in technology, culture and politics. We’ve lived through wars and pandemics, technological revolution and economic transformation. It has sometimes seemed that she was the one person that remained fixed in our modern world.

Queen Elizabeth’s passing will undoubtedly leave many people feeling bereft, especially at such a difficult time for families across the country.

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In this time of change, it is important we reflect on our nation’s history and also on the future nation we would like to be. We would do well, when thinking about the future, to recall how the Queen conducted herself throughout all her years.