Raiders steal cash from children’s charity

Usman Ali at Levi's Star charity.Usman Ali at Levi's Star charity.
Usman Ali at Levi's Star charity.
Thieves raided a children’s charity set up in memory of a six-year-old boy who died from a brain tumour.

Levi’s Star was set up by mum Vicky Ringer after her son, Levi, died in August 2006.

And on Tuesday raiders smashed down the charity’s front door sometime between 2am and 2.30am.

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They emptied collection tins containing money destined to help children with brain tumours.

And they stole a television, photographic equipment and a CD player, taking the value of their haul to £1,000.

Miss Ringer, 44, said: “I am devastated. It is horrible to think these low-lives can take money from a charity set up in memory of my little boy.

“My son’s picture is on the wall and it said ‘children’s charity’ on the tins so they knew who they were targeting.

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“We try really hard to help families but feel we have been violated by what’s happened.”

Levi’s Star, based in Charlotte Yard, off Charlotte Street in the city centre was forced to close while repairs were carried out at the centre.

The charity has helped hundreds of children who have been diagnosed with brain tumours and raised more than £200,000.

It set up a drop-in centre for bereaved adults struggling with the loss of family members last year.

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Miss Ringer said: “It is not just us who have been affected but all the people we help.

“All we wanted to do was make something positive happen out of a tragedy.

“It is devastating that people out there think it is their right to take money which can really help others.”

Community activist Usman Ali said the charity plays an important role in the city.

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He said: “I really feel sorry for this great charity as it does a great job in the district.

“This kind of behaviour is not acceptable. Those who carried out this act should be ashamed of themselves.”

Anyone who saw the incident should call Wakefield CID on 101 and quote the reference number 13150415279.

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