Thieves stole jewellery from Eastmoor home while man slept upstairs

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Burglars broke into a Eastmoor home in the middle of the day while a man was sleeping upstairs.

A large amount of expensive Asian jewellery was stolen from the house on Queen Elizabeth Road.

Police are appealing for information following the incident between 12.30pm and 1pm on Friday, August 8.

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Detective Constable Gary Wetherill, from Wakefield District CID, said: “While the male occupant was asleep an unknown suspect or suspects have entered the house by breaking the lock on the door and carried out a search of the property before stealing a high value amount of Asian-style jewellery.

“I am appealing for the public’s help - did you see anyone suspicious in the area around the time?

“The offence took place in the middle of the day and I would like to hear from anyone who may have seen someone looking out of place in the area, perhaps behaving in an unusual manner.

“I would also be keen to hear from local jewellers or anyone that may have been offered a large amount of Asian jewellery in the Wakefield or Leeds areas.

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“These type of incidents are extremely rare and we are continuing to investigate the circumstances surrounding the burglary.”

Anyone with information should call DC Wetherill at Wakefield on 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555111.

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