Castleford regeneration plan moves onto next stage

A cycling route will be built, linking Castleford town centre with Fryston.A cycling route will be built, linking Castleford town centre with Fryston.
A cycling route will be built, linking Castleford town centre with Fryston.
Plans for major surgery on the road network around Castleford are pressing ahead.

Councillors have signed off an extra £6m of the cash for the town's Corridor Growth Scheme.

The project will see a number of roads widened, including Aire Street, which will get an extra westbound lane and the roundabouts at Savile Road and Lock Lane.

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Pedestrian routes will also be improved and a cycle way will be built, linking Castleford town centre with Fryston village.

Coun Les Shaw said the scheme would make Castleford more connected.Coun Les Shaw said the scheme would make Castleford more connected.
Coun Les Shaw said the scheme would make Castleford more connected.

The whole scheme will help the area's infrastructure cope with an influx of new houses, and all the extra traffic they will bring.

Speaking at a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday morning, Councillor Les Shaw welcomed the scheme.

Coun Shaw, who represents Airedale and Ferry Fryston, said: "I think this is really important, as overall growth in Castleford at that bottom end has stagnated.

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"The area needs development but one of the first things we've got to do with all those new houses, is make sure the road network is right.

"I think it's important that we look at the towns, and I think this will connect Castleford better to the rest of the area."

Councillor Matthew Morley, portfolio holder for transport, added: "With all the houses being built down Wheldon Road, we need to make sure the roads are fit for purpose and that they adapt."

Local Democracy Reporting Service