Vulnerable old people were not fed properly at '˜unsafe' car home

Stockingate Residential Home.Stockingate Residential Home.
Stockingate Residential Home.
Vulnerable old people were not being fed properly at an unsafe care home which has been threatened with closure by inspectors.

Stockingate Residential Home in South Kirkby home has been placed in special measures and rated “inadequate”.

Record keeping, cleanliness, staff training and safety at the home were highlighted by Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspectors.

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Their report said staff had been told not to give residents hot meals for supper because it left the day shift short of food.

A member of staff told inspectors: “They are all losing weight. The food is shocking. We can’t ask people if they want a cooked breakfast now due to lack of food.”

Some residents said they felt safe, but one was “frightened” to live there, according to a relative.

Another said: “Sometimes other residents come into our room and they don’t know where they are.”

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The CQC found residents were at risk of harm or injury. The report said: “We found the garden areas contained a number of hazards such as a discarded food trolley, commode, rusty bin, wheelchair and black bin bags.”

CQC inspectors also alerted the safeguarding team at Wakefield Council about a “sexual incident towards a staff member.”

The report said: “There was no record of action taken to support the staff member or prevent recurrence or any steps taken to safeguard other people using the service.”

Care Homes UK, which runs the home, said a new management team was now in place.

It said in a statement: “We were very disappointed with the outcome of the inspection in July. We took immediate action to address the issues raised immediately following the inspection by CQC.”

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