Wakefield Council prepares for arrival of Syrian refugees

Olivia RowleyOlivia Rowley
Olivia Rowley
Wakefield Council must prepare for new arrivals to the district after agreeing to house 100 refugees.

Members of the council’s cabinet agreed a recommendation to resettle the Syrians, who are fleeing war in their home country.

Around 100 refugees are expected to arrive in the area during the next three years. They will be able to stay for five years, with the right to work. And they can then apply to settle permanently.

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Coun Olivia Rowley, cabinet member for children and young people, said: “The council has a strong record in providing services and support to vulnerable people within our communities.

“I am proud of the district’s long term commitment to support families fleeing conflict and persecution.”

As many as 3.88 million Syrians have become refugees due to war and conflict and 12.2 million are in need of humanitarian assistance.

The government has agreed to take 20,000 refugees into the UK over five years as part of the Syrian resettlement Scheme. It is working with local authorities to house vulnerable people.

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Wakefield Council is set to work together with Migration Yorkshire and local authorities in the Yorkshire and Humber region to resettle the refugees.

It will plan for new arrivals by identifying suitable housing providers and working with police and health organisations to help them settle. It will need to provide suitable accommodation, integration support, English language tuition, employment help and social and psychological support.

It is expected this will cost around £8,520 per person per year. Migration Yorkshire hopes to receive funding from central government to distribute to local councils.