800 drawings for Brian's 80th birthday

Artist Brian Lewis.Artist Brian Lewis.
Artist Brian Lewis.
Artist Brian Lewis has celebrated his 80th birthday by producing 800 different drawings.

And the work entitled ‘800 Drawings In A Year By and Old, Old Man’ will go on show at a gallery in Barnsley this Saturday.

Mr Lewis, who is based in Pontefract and is also a writer and publisher, has organised the exhibition, which will also feature the Schule-Lewis art collection and work by more than 20 other artists and designers.

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It will open at the Northern Fringe Gallery on Heelis Street at 2pm with civic leaders, song-writers and performers.

Mr Lewis said he hoped it would be the first of many events. “I am trying to invent an arts programme for West and South Yorkshire where eventually the space will develop as some sort of a cultural centre,” he said.