Food hygiene: The lowest rated restaurants, shops, takeaways and residential homes in Wakefield

Food Hygiene RatingsFood Hygiene Ratings
Food Hygiene Ratings
These are the restaurants, takeaways and convenience stores and residential homes with the poorest food hygiene ratings in Wakefield.

There are 75 businesses serving food in the city that have a rating that means their hygiene practices require improvement.

Click the above link to see those rated 0-2.

Each rating is taken directly from the Food Standard Agency website and is based on the latest inspection published on the government’s food ratings website, whenever that inspection was carried out.

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Each business is given their hygiene rating when it is inspected by a food safety officer from the local authority. The officer checks how well the business is meeting the law by looking at:

- How hygienically the food is handled – how it is prepared, cooked, re-heated, cooled and stored

- The condition of the structure of the buildings – the cleanliness, layout, lighting, ventilation and other facilities

- How the business manages and records what it does to make sure food is safe.

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At the end of the inspection, the business is given one of the six ratings from 0-5.

The top rating means that the business was found to have ‘very good’ hygiene standards. Any business should be able to reach this top rating.

Ratings of two or below mean urgent or major improvements are required.

You can check the ratings of any business at

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