Man who attacked his girlfriend is jailed for 20 months

Martin EllerkerMartin Ellerker
Martin Ellerker
A MAN who subjected his partner to brutal drunken beatings has been sent to jail for 20 months.

A court heard Martin Ellerker, 36, was drunk at the time of the attacks that he could not even remember inflicting the injuries.

A neighbour who witnessed an attack at the victim’s home in Castleford was left shocked at the brutality Ellerker had shown the woman.

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A police officer was also left shocked at seeing the horrific bruising and cuts to the woman’s face when he went to the property on Royds Avenue, Castleford.

Leeds Crown Court heard Ellerker attacked the woman on more than one occasion over a four-day period in December last year.

Jessica Randell, prosecuting, said Ellerker and his partner had been in a relationship for 12 months and both were dependant on alcohol.

Ellerker carried out the first attack after they had both been drinking and argued.

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Ellerker commented the next day that he could not believe what he had done after seeing the injuries to her face and gave her packets of frozen food to stop the swellings.

Police were contacted by a neighbour two days later, on December 11, when a neighbour saw the woman outside covered in blood and not wearing any shoes.

Ellerker, of Dawtrie Street, Castleford, initially refused to comment when questioned by police then said he could not remember inflicting the injuries because of the amount of alcohol he had been drunk,

He pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

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Judge Geoffrey Marson, QC, said: “Over a period you assaulted her in a dreadful way.

“The photographs are shocking.

“It is clear that this was a brutal and unjustified attack it is troubling that you have such 
little recollection of what you did.”

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