Politically Speaking: By Imran Khan, MP for Wakefield

ECONOMY: On Tuesday the government announced an economic rescue package of 330Bn. Photo: Getty ImagesECONOMY: On Tuesday the government announced an economic rescue package of 330Bn. Photo: Getty Images
ECONOMY: On Tuesday the government announced an economic rescue package of 330Bn. Photo: Getty Images
Together we can get through this unprecedented global crisis

The COVID-19 virus has presented our government and the world with a crisis unprecedented in peace time.

I wholeheartedly appreciate the real anxiety and worry that this situation has caused, and is likely to cause in the months to follow.

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Whilst the virus itself would seem to have a limited capacity to be fatal, it has an enormous capacity to be socially and economically disruptive.

The government’s response has been based entirely on the medical and scientific advice given by the Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Scientific Officer and their respective teams, who include some of the most respected experts in the world in both virology and epidemiology.

While some of their advice may appear counter-intuitive to the lay person, it is well considered, employing the best information available.

There is no preventative vaccine available for this virus and therefore the NHS cannot prevent any of us from contracting it. Fortunately, for most people, the virus will have relatively mild effects.

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A dry, rasping cough, a sore throat and a temperature are common symptoms. Some people, particularly children, may show very mild symptoms, or even none at all.

Those particularly at risk would appear to be the elderly or those with serious underlying health conditions and that is why the government has advised, as the presence of the virus has increased, that such is the risk of contraction, everyone over 70 years-old should self-isolate.

On Tuesday the government announced an economic rescue package of £330Bn. This is an unprecedented step in response to an unprecedented crisis and at the time of writing there are still more measures to be announced. Your government will do whatever is necessary to provide the NHS with the resources it needs and to protect businesses, jobs and the well-being of the British people.

We are fortunate that this event has hit us at a time when the budget deficit sits at a workable two per cent, of GDP- that has allowed the chancellor considerable flexibility which may otherwise have been impossible.

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This will affect all businesses in this country including those in Wakefield.

In the coming days and weeks, I will ensure that local businesses are directed to the appropriate governmental department as and when appropriate and that local authorities work in tandem with central governmental initiatives.

The situation is constantly changing. To keep appraised, please watch the government’s daily bulletin in order to keep up with the latest position and advice accordingly.

I would like to ask everyone to act responsibly. Follow the government’s advice and make a special effort to aid anyone you know to be living alone, or who might be vulnerable.

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Just letting people know you are there can often bring them a great deal of comfort if they are having to self-isolate.

In the coming days, I will be announcing the first stages of a co-ordinated and wide-reaching strategy for the district entitled ‘Wakefield Together’, a co-ordinated action plan to ensure our strengths as a city are pooled and we overcome this challenge together.

If you are a fit individual not in one of the high risk groups or a faith/social group and wish to work together in Wakefield to help others please e-mail me at [email protected]

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