Did your community host an Easter egg hunt? Let us know! Email [email protected]

Over the weekend, the residents of Carleton park hosted plenty of social distanced activities for the local children to take part in Photo: Carleton Park residents via Facebook

. Framed
Every child who took a picture in Lisa Hulse's picture frame was entered into a prize draw Photo: Liz Booth

. Friends
Five cheeky faces pose in front of the Carleton Park Brownie Hut with their egg baskets Photo: Danielle Green

. Waving
This youngster collects his treat and waves a friendly 'hello' to a resident Photo: Crystal Amery-Ward

2. Framed
Every child who took a picture in Lisa Hulse's picture frame was entered into a prize draw Photo: Liz Booth

3. Friends
Five cheeky faces pose in front of the Carleton Park Brownie Hut with their egg baskets Photo: Danielle Green

4. Waving
This youngster collects his treat and waves a friendly 'hello' to a resident Photo: Crystal Amery-Ward