Lured by the promise of expensive Christmas gifts and emboldened by the fact that many homeowners are away from home enjoying the festivities, police forces across the country often report an increase in burglaries around this period.Lured by the promise of expensive Christmas gifts and emboldened by the fact that many homeowners are away from home enjoying the festivities, police forces across the country often report an increase in burglaries around this period.
Lured by the promise of expensive Christmas gifts and emboldened by the fact that many homeowners are away from home enjoying the festivities, police forces across the country often report an increase in burglaries around this period.

8 tips to prevent burglaries around Christmas

A burglary takes place every 108 seconds in the Uk with this type of crime even more common in the winter months.

Lured by the promise of expensive Christmas gifts and emboldened by the fact that many homeowners are away from home enjoying the festivities, police forces across the country often report an increase in burglaries around this period.

With Christmas coming, home security expert, Beth Priestley, from Toolstation wants to educate the public on how to avoid being burgled this December.

She said: “Many of our routines are different in the lead up to Christmas - with people spending time out of the home socialising and enjoying the festivities.

“Remember, burglaries don’t just happen at night. Even if you’re out for just a few hours in the day, there’s no harm in taking precautions to ensure your home is safe from opportunistic thieves.”

Plan deliveries carefully

“A parcel on the front step is a telltale sign that the house is unoccupied and around Christmas, Black Friday, Cyber Monday and general Christmas gift shopping mean these deliveries can pile up. Not only do these parcels risk being snatched by passersby, but they also signal that you’re away.

“Where possible, schedule deliveries to arrive when you’re at home, or get them delivered to your place of work. If you’re away overnight, it’s also worth temporarily cancelling things like milk and newspaper deliveries.”

Avoid discussing holiday plans with strangers

“It’s a sad fact that 43% of burglars know their victims and live close by. For this reason, it’s a good idea to avoid discussing your plans for Christmas with anybody apart from close friends and family.”

Check windows and doors are locked

“Shockingly, around 25% of burglars gain entry through an unlocked window or door. With Christmas being a hectic time of year, it’s even easier to forget to ensure every door and window is tightly locked when leaving your home unattended.”

Set your burglary alarm

“Again, when you’re rushing out the door and feeling festive, it can be easy to forget things. Don’t let that be your burglar alarm! If you don’t use your alarm regularly, check it’s working now - and absolutely don’t forget to set it when locking up.”

Be wary of posting on social media

“Lots of evidence suggests that thieves are increasingly turning to social media for information about homeowners who are away. Consider making your accounts private and, whether it’s a Christmas market or the office party, refrain from posting about it until you return home.”

Use automatic timer switches

“A plug-in timer allows you to programme electrical devices to automatically come on at certain times - a great way to make it look like somebody’s in the house while you’re away. For example, you could programme a couple of table lamps to switch on in the evening.

“Plug-in timers are also a brilliant way to ensure your Christmas lights don’t cost you a fortune.”

Ask somebody to pop in

“If you’re away for a longer period of time, it can be a good idea to ask a trusted neighbour, friend or relative to keep an eye on your home over Christmas. They might stop in to pick up any post and check everything’s in order a couple of times a week.”

She said: “Many of our routines are different in the lead up to Christmas - with people spending time out of the home socialising and enjoying the festivities.