Hidden on the Tripadvisor website is a tab specifically for ‘cheap eats’.
These are highly recommended restaurants and cafes, that won’t leave you scared to look at the bill.
To find the full list head to the Tripadvisor website and click on restaurants, then click ‘cheap eats’ on the left hand side.
So treat yourself this weekend in one of the best places for a ‘cheap eat’ in Wakefield, according to Tripadvisor.
1. Bear Kitchen
89-93 Westgate End, Wakefield WF2 9RL England4.5 stars out of 5 based on 278 reviews. Photo: Google Maps
2. The Station
Bretton Lane Crigglestone, Wakefield WF4 3ER4.5 stars out of 5 based on 173 reviews. Photo: Google Maps
3. No Manches
10 Drury Lane, Wakefield WF1 2TE 5 stars out of 5 based on 46 reviews. Photo: No Manches
4. Cafe 19
Lower Warrengate, Wakefield WF1 1SA4.5 stars out of 5 based on 147 reviews. Photo: Google Maps